NYSC PPA – How to Influence Your posting from Camp.
Nysc Orientation Camps and Locations Nationwide
How To Start Life After NYSC Service Year
Correction of Date of Birth on NYSC Portal
Commonly Available Jobs for NYSC Members.
How to prepare for NYSC orientation camp
How to best prepare for NYSC passing out parade (POP)
How to Earn Extra Income as a Serving Corps Member
If you are not satisfied with the monthly income that is handed to you by the federal government, here is how to earn extra income as a serving Corps member.
It is no longer news that the monthly allowance allocated to corps members by the federal government and the stipends paid by the state government(in some states) is not enough especially for those who have financial obligations.
How to Earn Extra Money as a Serving Corps Member
It is no longer news that the monthly allowance allocated to corps members by the federal government as well as the stipends paid by the state government(in some states) is not enough especially for those who have financial obligations.
To be comfortable as a serving corps member, one would have to skill up, harness already acquired skills, venture into a business, or continue calling home for assistance.
Life After NYSC: Accessing Scholarships, Grants and Other Opportunities
Written by: Corper Seun Albert Oyelude (KG/18A/0007)
Many of us never realized we were adults, until the responsibilities of adulthood came knocking. For some of us, those responsibilities are not unfamiliar, because we have spent most parts of our lives fending for ourselves. While for many of us, we are approaching that phase of our lives very fast.
NYSC 2017 Batch A stream 2 passing out date
How to Correct Wrong Date of Birth & Course of Study with NYSC
University of Maiduguri NYSC Pre-Mobilization list for Batch ‘B’ 2018
NYSC Members to Get Health Insurance in 2018 Budget
The Federal Government has made provisions for corps members to be covered by the health insurance in the 2018 budget. Corpers don’t need to rely on the doctors in camp. Any youth corper will be entitled to go to any hospital in the location in the local government that is covered by health insurance.
This will be implemented from the one percent of consolidated revenue fund to be dedicated to health, as stipulated by the National Health Act.